Thursday, November 12, 2009

Increased Thresholds for Contract by Administration and other Updates

The GPPB has recently issued two (2) Resolutions amending certain procurement guidelines, to wit:

A) Resolution No. 07-2009, amending the guidelines for Implementation of Infrastructure Projects by Administration (Annex I of the IRR). Specifically, the resolution increases the threshold amount of infrastructure projects that can be undertaken by Administration or "Force Account", to conform with the provisions of the 2009 General Appropriations Act (GAA) and the 2010 National Expenditure Program (NEP)pertaining to the DPWH budget. The revised thresholds are:

a.1) P20 M or less - to be undertaken by procuring entities without prior approval;

a.2) P20 M up to P50 M - prior authority shall be obtained from the DPWH Secretary;

a.3) More than P50 M - requires prior authority from the President.

A project costing more than P20 M may be undertaken by Administration subject to conditions as prescribed under Sec. 3.3 of Annex I.

B) Resoluton NO. 08-2009 - Guidelines for Lease of privately-owned Real Estate and Venue. The guidelines amends Resolution No. 019-2007 and includes the lease of "Venue" consistent with Sec. 53.10 under Negotiated Procurement of the Revised IRR.

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