Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Amendment to the Revised IRR

While the roll-out-training is underway nationwide, the GPPB has recently issued Resolution No. 2009-06 approving the amendments to certain provisions of the revised IRR of the GPRA.

Here's a summary of the Sections affected:

a) Section 22.3 - on the conduct of Pre-Bid Conference
b) Section 22.5.3 - on the posting of Supplemental Bid Bulletin
c) Section 24.5.2 - on the short listing of Prospective bidders for Consulting
d) Section 25.2(b)(i)- on the eligibility requirement for infrastructure project
e) Sections 27.2 and 39.2 - on the forms of bid and performance security
f) Section 32.2.1(b) - on arithmetical correction during bid evaluation
g) Section 53.7 - on negotiated procurement for highly technical consultants
h) Various sections of Annex G re: Design and Build for Infra projects

The said Resolution can be downloaded from the GPPB web site.

Errata in the recently issued PBDs.

The GPPB has posted in its website certain errata in the Philippine Bidding Documents (PBDs). BAC members, Secretariat and TWGs, please make the necessary correction on the one that you have downloaded. Click this link to view the errata.

Friday, October 02, 2009

Urgently needed: PBDs compliant with the Revised IRR!

It's been a month since the revised IRR on GPRA (RA 9184) took effect but procuring entities cannot fully comply with the revised provisions since the GPPB has not yet officially issued the revised Philippine Bidding Documents (PBD) that is consistent with the said revised IRR.

The Regional Composite Team has the same predicament as the roll-out of the Revised IRR has commenced for LGUs in Region VI. In fact two (2) batches consisting of four (4) schools have been completed as of this post. The participants would like to get hold of the revised PBDs when they go back to their respective stations.

In its website, the GPPB has posted a Notice that the working draft of the PBDs for Goods and Infra has been uploaded, and procuring entities are advised to carefully examine the working daft before using the same for its forthcoming biddings. Per its timetable, the final version of the PBD should be approved by the GPPB by end of September.

The working PBD drafts can be downloaded here: