Thursday, July 05, 2007

Implementing Infra projects by Administration .

Here's the GPPB's latest guidelines on implementation of projects by administration as contained in Annex "A" of Resolution No. 018-2006 dated December 6, 2006:

Definition - "By Administration" refers to the procedure by which the implementation of an infrastructure project is carried out under the administration and suprevision of the concerned agency (or LGU) thorugh its own personnel.

General Conditions and Requirements - Projects undertaken by administration shall be included in the Annual Procurement Plan (APP). If the original mode of procurement for the said project is public bidding, the BAC shall pass a resolution recommending to the head of the procuring entity the change in procurement mode. The Procuring Entity (PE) shall possess a track record of having completed or supervised a project similar to the one to be implemented with a cost of at least 50% of the project at hand. Further, the PE shall own the tools and construction equipment to be used or have access to such tools and equipment owned by another government agency.

Specific Conditions and Requirements - Projects costing Php 5 M or less may be undertaken by Administration subject to the General Conditions and requirements mentioned above. On the other hand, projects costing over Php 5 M may be undertaken by administration only in the following cases:

a. emergency arising from natural calamities or where immediate action is
necessary to prevent imminent loss of life or property;
b. comply with government commitments;
c. failure to award a contract after competitive bidding for a valid cause;
d. termination or rescission of contract;
e. area with critical peace and order problems as certified by the Local
Peace and Order Council.

Approving Authority - Prior authority shall be obtained from the Secretary of the DPWH for projects costing Php 5 M up to Php 20 M, while projects costing more than Php 20 M shall bear the authority of the President.

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